I am just going to start writing this and see where it goes. I know I haven't been writing lately but the past probably four to five weeks have been full of ups and downs. It all began when I couldn't afford to take my medication anymore and then couldn't afford to go to the doctor to get the prescription refilled. It was a bad decision. I know. Hindsight is 20/20. I had some very very dark days. I know I am beyond blessed with my parents and my husband. Without them, I don't think I would have had the inspiration and motivation to get help because I wasn't doing well. Morale of this story: Stay Medicated and Stay Happy! :)
Also, Jon and Debra came down to stay the weekend with us last weekend. It was amazing. I feel so rejuvenated in rediscovering what it means to have friends that accept me and encourage me and forgive me. I have not always been open, accepting or forgiving and now as I am learning and changing and making myself a better person, I am able to see the best in others as I would want them to see the best in me. I had the best time! We played card games and made brownies at 1am. We went to the zoo and laughed at the animals and ourselves. It was incredible! I can't wait see them again but I guess facebook and e-mailing will have to work for now.
The weight battle wages on. Ugh. I am trying so hard! I love exercising, no so much the dieting but I'm doing it. I am just going to keep trying. :)
The job search is still on-going. I am still praying that the correct opportunities and the best position for me will show itself. I am ready and I am positive!
Medicated and Happy,