I have already been sick with this cold thing before. It starts with the all time worse symptom ever...sandpaper throat. I hate this. I love to talk so this symptom is bad to begin with. Second comes the faucet nose. I have already been through 2 boxes of Antiviral Kleenex today only! Next because my nose is runny and my throat hurts is that "tickle" in my throat that now makes me cough which makes the sand paper in my throat rub together and hurt more.
I love to sleep. However, I can't sleep or get to sleeping with all these gross things going on. So, naturally, like any other sick person, I try to do all those activites and medications that are supposed to help. I start out with the ever delightful nasal spray, followed closely by the Breathe Right Strips, then Vicks cream on my chest that I never can seem to smell no matter how much I put on. I do all my normal nightly things (take my "anti-crazy" pills & vitamins, crawl into bed and read for awhile) and then comes the worse part. Lying in bed staring at the ceiling or Tv, listening to Josh snore LOUDLY beside me and I am not feeling tired whatsoever.
Here comes my trying to sleep rituals.
- I close my eyes and make a deal with myself. If the TV is on and I can keep my eyes closed for a full episode, then I can reward myself by watching an episode. The end result: Hopefully I will fall alsleep within the 23 odd minutes it takes for a full TV episode.
- If the 1st ritual doesn't work, then I start counting or thinking of all the things I accomplished throughout the day. Sometimes this option makes me anxious or gets me thinking about all the things I didn't do or things I need to do tomorrow. This option is dangerous.
- This is my favorite option but it really stimulates my imagination. I start thinking about all kinds of dream scernarios that I would want to have. Places I want to go, people I wish I could meet or people I miss, things I wish I could be or do. I love this option but my creative side goes crazy.
I wanted to say I believe I'm supposed to write this blog thing. I had a sign about it already and I just started writing yesterday. I feel good about it. Probably first time I have felt good about myself doing something for myself in a while actually. I know I'm not the most interesting person in the world and I'm not exactly normal but who is? I'm learning more and more about life as I live it and as I interact with other people on their life journeys. This blog was created for my benefit but I have realized that it may be helping other people or making other poeple laugh or smile or whatever. If that is all that happens, then it is worth it. Really, really worth it.
Smiling through the snot on my face,
P.S. I always knew how I would end these but the beginnings are still a work in progress.
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