Each piece is pulled out slowly, gently
Cool hands against my bare, torn skin
The broken skin is healed
It has been so long since I've felt whole
I have lived with this injury for so long
Bandages couldn't heal
Antiseptics couldn't relieve
But you could
How is it that a person, another human being, could heal me?
I barely knew you
The magnetism that drew me to you, that continues to draw me
What is this?
After being beaten, bruised, cut, abused
You simply heal me
Without a word, without a question
You heal me
Without a thought, without a reason
You heal me
I am closed at first, scared of you
How can you exist? Where have you been?
You hold out your hand
You pull my broken heart together with the strings of your love
How can I repay you? What could I possibly have to give?
Without you, I would not be whole.
I would not be healed.
I would not love.
I would not be me.
Thank you.
* For those requiring explanation, this is dedicated to the love of my life, my husband, Josh who is my perfect match and who continues to amaze me with his love. *
Larisa 2009