Here are some pictures around our backyard of the latest snow storm that hit Louisville. I love the way the trees look all covered in ice. It is definitely the prettiest type of all storms but it is deceptively beautiful. It incapacitates us all by covering the roads, downing power lines, and generally just causing mass mayhem at groceries. My next vehicle will have 4 wheel drive. I'm just saying. As long as I live in the most unpredictable weather state, I need to be prepared better.
I have a HUGE obsession with movies. I can watch a movie a dozen times and never be bored of it,well, it depends on the movie. I get in the mood for certain movies and most of the time I want to watch something "light" like a romance or comedy, very rarely do I wanna watch something very scary or perceived as scary like a thriller. No I don't mean like hack 'em slash 'em movies or gory gross movies; I mean like psychological thrillers. The ones that are even more scary because you begin to think it could happen to you. Like the murder mysteries. I like those. I like to see them get the bad guy. I want to good guy to win or to figure it out in time to save people. I have been in one of the those moods.
My creepy need started with the remake of "Psycho". I have seen the original Hitchcock "Psycho". It amazes me. It is truly remarkable. Like on the documentary of the remake, the director compared Hitchcock's "Psycho" to a work of art. It is. The angles used, the music, the writing, it is mesmerizing to someone like me, a movie fanatic not an actual "psycho". The remake is also incredible. But the reason it is incredible isn't why you would think. It is great because they didn't change hardly anything. They kept the legendary and inventive angles orignally used. The writing was close to the same only slightly modernized. Perfect remake to a work of art. Larisa rating for "Psycho" (the remake): A+ for respect for the late Alfred Hitchcock, thriller genius
Next, and this may surprise those who know me, was the Hannibal Lecter series. Yes I said it. I watched "The Silence of the Lambs", "Hannibal", and "Red Dragon". These are great movies. Creepy but great. The way Hannibal is portrayed is so amazing to me. Here is this really messed up crazy lunatic cannibal and the writers make you like him. You (as a viewer) don't want anything bad to happen to him. That takes awesome writing and acting talent (Hannibal Lecter is portrayed by Anthony Hopkins). Larisa rating of "Silence of the Lambs": A+ for being my favorite of the series Larisa rating of "Hannibal": B- for not involving the last victim enough to make you care, the plot is loose, lot of blood that was unnecessary, my least favorite of the series Larisa rating of "Red Dragon": A- for being mediocre but relevant and a good movie because you find out more about Hannibal
This week's winning post was "How did Larisa meet and fall in love with Josh".
Once upon a time (about 8 years ago) in a land called Louisville, KY lived a beautiful young girl named Larisa and a handsome young boy named Josh. One evening as Larisa was going to visit her boyfriend the evil Chris (we will discuss him in another blog) at church, she encountered a problem. Chris was no where to be found. Since she was visiting Chris's church and did not know anyone there, she was quite lost. She felt alone. She kept checking inside and outside, making sure she hadn't missed him. Larisa finally gave up and walked outside one last time before church started and a very nice boy, Josh, opened the door for her and said "Hey". And the rest is history.
It started out innocently enough. Larisa continued to talk to Josh that night and even gave him her e-mail address and IM address. Weeks pasted and they talked as often as possible. They became great friends. They enjoyed talking to each other so much and soon Larisa started to become excited when he called her or messaged her. She missed him when he didn't and then she realized suddenly how much she really cared for him. Not only as a friend but as something more. It was still almost a year before they began the ritual of "dating". Even when they were "dating", Larisa was still so young that she had to wait until her 16th birthday to actually go on a true one-on-one date with the handsome Josh since he was two years older than her but that didn't stop them from falling more and more in love.
He was everything she could've hoped for or dreamed for. He became her world and her his. They knew they were meant for each other, even being so young. Josh proposed on her 18th birthday and they were wed on June 2, 2006, a year after she graduated high school.
Today, they live happily ever after in their first home with three chihuahua puppies. They fall deeper and deeper in love each day and support each other through life together.
I'd have to say I do love my life, even in the boring times I am happy.
I just finished watching "The Office" in my pajamas on our comfy couch under our king sized micro-chenille blanket with all three puppies asleep between Josh and I. It's boring but it makes me happy. I would rather be here than anywhere else right now.
A lot of historical things have happened this week. On Monday we celebrated the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. On Tuesday we celebrated how far we've come in realizing Dr. King's dream by inaugurating our first black president. On Wednesday I turned 22 years old and realized fully how amazing my dad is and how amazing my new dishwasher is. :) Okay I know I'm not as important as all the rest of the stuff that happened this week but I think it's pretty awesome that I am alive to be able to witness all these great things happening. I will pray for President Obama because God has put him in the most powerful position in the world for a reason. I will be able to tell my kids and grandkids what I was doing when President Obama was elected. And that is amazing.
I am now the proud new owner of an over the range microwave and dishwasher as well as turning 22 years old today! The following pictures document all the hard work that had to be done to make my gifts possible and usable. The first pictures are how my kitchen looked before and they continue to how it looks now! I'm so happy with how it turned out! It was better than I even imagined!
Another year older and two appliances richer, Larisa
So after almost two years living in our house, I am FINALLY getting a dishwasher (other than my two hands) and an over the range microwave! I'm so excited! I will post before and after pics as soon as it is completed tomorrow by my wonderful dad!
This was what I really wanted for my birthday so I will go ahead and give a big THANK YOU to all those contributing to the small kitchen remodel. :) I thank you and so do my hands! :) Also another big THANK YOU to my dad for being as skilled and talented as he is for being able to install all this new awesome stuff for us!
When we first bought this house, the past owners had a portable dishwasher that worked just fine for them. Well, let's just say we do not and did not ever use it because it was WAY to bulky and with our dining table and chairs it would take up too much room in our eat-in kitchen. From day one, the plan has always been to get a dishwasher and it is happening! Thank goodness!
You know you are an adult when you get this excited about dishwashers, Larisa
Anyone that knows me will know these things about me especially Elizabeth and Josh. I am a REALLY BIG KID. Seriously, I'm not kidding about this one. I love to laugh and have fun! I love acting stupid, smiling, and making other people laugh too. Whether or not they are laughing AT me and not WITH me is another thing completely.
There are so many things I still enjoy doing even though I'm technically an adult now (Yikes!). I love to color! There is hardly anything I really love more than opening up a new box of crayons and getting a new coloring book and spending the whole afternoon coloring! Even thinking of it now makes me want to color. I remember my mom teaching me what she did when she was little with her new crayons and coloring books. She would test each and every color of crayon on the inside of the coloring book cover to see how the color really looked. I still do this to this day. :) Like mother, like daughter I suppose. The time I really like to color is when I'm sick or when I'm really stressed out. Josh knows all about this. When I ask him to break out the coloring stuff, he doesn't hesitate. It's a type of therapy for me I guess. I feel like I'm in control of the way the picture turns out. It can be as neat or as messy as I want it to be.
I also still completely love cartoons and Disney movies. I could probably watch the same Disney movie a million times and never be bored of it. I remember me and Elizabeth wore out her VHS of "Cinderella" because we watched it so much! :) If DVDs could wear out I guarantee my "Beauty & the Beast" would be wore out as well. I like old Disney cartoons and old Looney Tunes. The collector's DVDs I have of those are probably my most prized but I like alot of current cartoons too like Spongebob, Family Guy, King of the Hill, or Blues Clues. Yes Blues Clues. It's an awesome show. Just the ones with Steve not Joe. I like Steve ones alot better.
Of course since I'm married to Josh I am required to like video games. I would anyway but it's a requirement for me too. :) (Just kidding honey. I love you!) I have to say my favorites are Tomb Raider (Oh yeah Melissa!), any of the Mario games especially the older ones, the Final Fantasy series and Kingdom Hearts series (Seriously Kingdom Hearts was made for me, an RPG with Disney and Final Fantasy characters). I like computer games too but not as much. I like the short ones like Mystery Case Files or the Dash games. They are easy to play to pass the time.
Hmmm....I guess that's about it. Other than my HUGE soft spot for puppies and I doubt I will grow out of that EVER. :) I LOVE my puppies like they were my kids. I can't imagine being without them. They can always make me smile no matter what.
This week's winning post poll was "If I had to change one thing in my past, what would it be and why?". So here it is, you all asked for it! There will be a new post poll tomorrow that you can vote on what subject I'll talk about next. :)
Mostly I have no regrets because I believe that everything happens for a reason and led me to who I am today but I am not saying that I'm perfect and that my life is perfect or something cause it isn't. I am happy with who I am and I wouldn't change anything that made me that way but there is alot of little things I wish I had never done because there were just stupid and I realize that now. Like, I wish I had never done anything to hurt Josh when we were just starting the whole dating thing. I remember starting drama for no reason. I really wish I had never done that. It was so childish and stupid and I can't believe I ever acted like that.
I wish I had never lost my temper at people for trying to help me. For example, the many times I got mad at my mom who was just looking out for me but I was too stubborn to see it. I see it now and she knows that :).
I wish I had been able to see what I see now. At this point in my life, I feel like I am trying to become a better "me" not a better person but the best "me" I can be. There are so many wonderful qualities I will never have because it's not who I am. The only thing I can do is realize what I am capable of doing to improve what it is about me that I change. For example, not being stubborn with the doctor's advice about writing a journal or trying really hard to be more responsible with money or learning from my past experiences to have better relationships with others like Josh or my parents or my friends.
I guess that's about it really. I just want to have the wisdom to see the error in my mistakes and the courage to try to change what I can about myself to be a better "me". I'm pretty proud of the progress I have made up to this moment in my life. I feel the best about me that I have in a long time.
Also it's 5 days until my 22nd birthday so I'm pretty happy about that too. I'm not happy however by the fact that my youngest "child" is barking so loudly right now that I really think my ears just split down the middle! :( I love her but she is LOUD! I think that's probably what the other dogs think of her too. :) They are pretty good about showing their feelings and wants without talking.
Anyway, another note of jubliation. "The Office" is on tonight! YEAH!
"In the Schrute family we believe in a five-fingered intervention. [raises fist] Awareness. Education. Control. Acceptance. And punching." -Dwight Schrute
"I am a great interviewee. Why? Because I have something no one else has - my brain. Which I use to my advantage when advantageous." - Andy Bernard
"Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for corporate, so he's really not a part of our family. Also, he's divorced, so he's really not a part of his family." - Michael Scott
"So, yesterday Dwight found half a joint in the parking lot. Which is unfortunate, because it turns out that Dwight finding drugs is more dangerous than most people using drugs." - Jim Halpert
"Jim's been looking at me kind of a lot all week. I would be creeped out by it, but it's nothing compared to the way Michael looks at me." - Ryan Howard
"Technically, I am in Human Resources, and Dwight was asking me about human anatomy. Um... I'm just sad the public school system failed him so badly." - Toby
"I don't care what they say about me. I just want to eat. Which I realize is a lot to ask for. At a dinner party." - Pam Beesly
"I don't talk trash, I talk smack. They're totally different. Trash talk is hypothetical, like: Your mom is so fat she can eat the internet. But smack talk is happening like right now. Like: You're ugly and I know it for a fact 'cause I got the evidence right there." - Kelly
"Yes, I put Michael in my wedding. It was the only way I could think of to get six weeks off for my honeymoon. No one else has ever gotten six weeks before." - Phyllis
"It's like I used to tell my wife. I do not apologize unless I think I'm wrong. And if you don't like it you can leave. And I say the same thing to my current wife and I'll say it to my next one too." -Stanley
"The only difference between me and a homeless man is this job. I will do whatever it takes to I did when I was a homeless man." -Creed
American Idol is back! I'm so pumped! It looks like it is shaping up to be a pretty good season already! I love sitting at home and listening to all the talent however "special" it may be. I like judging along with Simon, Paula, Randy and the newest judge, Kara. Most of the time I generally agree with Simon because even though he puts it more blunt than I would have, he is dead on with the talent aspect and being able to market these people to celebrity stardom.
Sorry this is so short today. I've been super duper busy the past couple of days.
A quick thanks to my mom who I got to spend some much needed mom time with today! I love you mom and can't wait to spend my birthday with you!
Shanna and I landed a HUGE remodeling job today for our Interior Design Business Zen Interiors.
We are both so excited that God is blessing us in the New Year already!
We had been having some trouble since the economy is so bad in landing new interior design jobs and praise God! We have one now! It's a good one too!
Our Client even has the same style sense as me and Shanna. It was handed to us!
Please be praying for us and our business as we are claiming this year for Zen Interiors to be the most successful new interior design business!
Also if anyone is interested or knows anyone who would be interested in any type of interior design project or consultation (big and small) please let me and Shanna know!
So Psyched and Can't wait to see what this year brings, Larisa
Free Writing Prompt - Use the following line as inspiration. Write for at least 20 minutes without editing.
"Tracing the outline of her face from a photograph..."
Tracing the outline of her face from a photograph, he let himself succumb to the numbness of his loneliness. He re-read the note she had left him on the stairs, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen to us. This isn't how it was supposed to be. I never knew. I'm sorry." How could she do this? After all this time, just to wake up and leave him behind like this. She had to know that this would devastate him, break him completely.
He glanced out the window as the rain pelted against the black glass. He pounded his fist against the wall. He had only told her how he felt just yesterday but now it seemed like it had been a thousand years ago. He had loved her for as long as he had known her. He loved her when she dated all the wrong guys. He loved her when she told him that he was her best friend and she wanted him to be her best man in her wedding. He loved her when her fiancee left her at the altar.
"I was so stupid," he muttered to himself in his empty house, "I can't believe she's gone."
He could hear his dog's feet gently pad across the floor to him. He reached out and rubbed the dog's head and ears. He heard the light thump of the dog's tail hit the wooded floor.
"She's gone buddy," he repeated, "Just you and me now. Just the men again."
Buddy continued to wag his tail and lick his hand as Buddy sat down next to him.
He sat in the silence and then it hit him.
He was angry, furious, hurt. She knew. She had to have known. All that time. When he would bring her flowers at work, when he would linger in her arms after a hug, when he took her to the beach at night, when he watched her sleep on his couch, when he brought her breakfast. Why else would he have done those things? What was she thinking? What wasn't clear?
She had given him all the signs. She called him everyday. She worried about him when he went away to visit his family. Hell, he had even taken her with him last time he visited his family in Florida. She always kissed him when he left. It never felt like it was nothing. He knew she loved him. He knew it.
But she was gone now. He had to get her. Or forget her.
No, he had to get her. Now.
Just a couple quick announcements before I write today's blog. Or in other words I have some explaining to do.
Please remember to vote in my blog poll each week for a topic you would like me to write about. I will write one blogger poll winner topic each week. Just something kinda fun to get you guys out there involved. I thought it was cool so just passing it on.
Also, if you have just started reading my blog or wish to see my past blog entries, just go to the bottom of the page and you will see folders of archived blogs. The main page only allows 7 blog entries and the archives are divided into months.
Also, thanks for the great ideas for topics to write about. I also took it upon myself since it is my blog to find LOTS of journaling prompts and creative writing exercises available on the web to make an inspiration guide for me.
As always, I truly appreciate all the love, support, encouragement, e-mails, comments, phone calls, etc from all of you out there. I think that this has been helping me creatively and also helping me with my anxiety. I plan on tackling a lot of my issues in blogs to come but I am still working on my courage to be that open and honest. All of you guys keep me going and hold me accountable to what I say and what I do. Thanks so much and please keep reading!
Smells can take you back to a place in time, to a specfic memory. Sometimes smells can even bring back emotions of how you were feeling or what was around you more vividly than pictures. Some smells do that to me instantly and I can always pick them out and know exactly where they belong.
White Shoulders Perfume - This is my mom's scent. It makes me feel safe and at home. I can always pick this scent out, anywhere and anyplace. I remember one of the first times I stayed with Josh's Great Aunt Lottie she wore it. I instantly felt at home because that smell makes me feel like my mom is near. Anywhere that I am that I can smell it I instantly think of her and look for her, even when she is not close to me.
Hawaiian Ginger Perfume - This one brings back tons of memories. This is the scent I wore when Josh and I started dating. I wore it to every one of our proms and I even wore it on our wedding day. It makes me feel beautiful and happy and carefree. Josh loves it too by the way. :)
Clean N Clear astringent - I used this in my high school years and brought it with me on our senior trip to the Bahamas. It makes me think of being in that really small bathroom in Jill and my room and being able to see the ocean for miles and for miles out our window.
Tree Candle from Bath and Body Works - This is Christmas for me. It is not Christmas until I smell this. It instantly makes the world around me white with snow and glowing from Christmas lights. Mom always put some pine scent in our living room where our Christmas tree was to make it smell like a real tree and now I do the same. Anytime I smell it and it's not Christmas it makes me wish for Christmas to come so badly.
Old English aftershave - This is my dad's scent. Anytime he got ready for church or when we were going somewhere nice, he wore it. I think of it anytime I get dressed up and will see him there. It always makes me smile.
I really like the Mr. Men and Little Miss characters. I think they are really cute! I even have mood gauge on my refrigerator with them on it! I always come back to Little Miss Sunshine. She is my favorite.
...Hmph...I don't really have a topic today. I need topics to talk about. I get on here to write but I feel like I need something to talk about. Maybe today's topic is sorta nothing to talk about. So if anyone out there reading this has a suggestion I would appreciate it. You can either comment on this blog (at the bottom) or you can e-mail me at
I need some feedback people! Please! Thanks! :)
What I'm listening to (music wise)...Genius function on iTunes of Matt Nathanson's "Come On Get Higher" so right now it's on David Archuleta's "Crush" next is Britney Spear's "Radar"
What I'm eating...Clementines YUMMY!
What I'm listening to around me...Josh playing WOW and the puppies playing
What I'm watching...letters pop up on my screen from typing
What I'm feeling...(hmm....thinking) lucky and blessed
What I'm usual pajama get-up which is comfy pants and a loose t-shirt :) Comfy!
What I'm doing tomorrow...Definitely watching "The Office" oh how I've missed you!
What I'm struggling most definitely and my weight
What I'm inspired family, music (usually Backstreet Boys DON'T LAUGH! I HEAR YOU!), art, and movies (a really good movie can change my whole perspective)
What I'm giving into...laziness mostly
What I'm craving...chocolate and sunny weather with a gentle breeze and bright blue sky
What I'm dreaming about... taking a trip or vacation somewhere beautiful and new
What I'm hating at the moment...having to clean up the kleenex "snow" so lovingly created for me by Hannah
What I'm laughing at...myself mostly but I always laugh with Josh laughs (it's contigous to me)
What I'm anixous about...I'm having more panic attacks than usual and that makes me more anxious
I am still a "newlywed" and by all means I am no expert on marriage but I feel a need to talk about it today.
If I had to pick one word to describe what I have learned since being married it would be compromise. This is a fairly simple concept. You win some, you lose some basically. You give up a little to gain a little. I'm really lucky to have a husband who would rather "lose some" on his part so I can "gain some" on mine but having that knowledge also means not exploiting it.
If I had to give one word of advice to someone about marriage it would be friendship. In my limited experience, I believe being a friend first before getting involved romantically is key. When you become friends with someone, I think you accept them more as they are. You aren't looking to change them to be your friend. You like them for their personality more than their looks. I really don't know anyone who picks friends based on the way they look but I'm sure some are out there and that's probably why I'm not friends with them. Also, I think you tend to open up more to a friend that someone you are seeking consciously to be romantic with. When you're trying to be involved with someone romantically before just being friends with them, you try to show off or become a person that they would find attractive romantically. If you're just friends, you are more likely just being you.
If I had to pick one word to describe how to date I would say future. Every person that you date should be and is a potential candidate for marriage. If you're dating just for the sake of dating and not respecting the other person enough to consider them a soul mate then you are dating for the wrong reasons and it's not fair for the other person involved. I know this is a contradictory view of dating in this day and age but it is how I feel. If you honestly don't see yourself having a future with the person you are dating, it is not fair to lead them on. Chances are they are also looking for a "soul mate" and if you are selfishly holding onto them with no future, it's not fair.
Well it's no suprise that I like to change my hair color. I have had red hair, brown hair, blonde hair, and all three at once but never have I had my hair this
I didn't mean for it to turn out black. It was a hair dyeing accident and it was less expensive to keep it black than it was to get the permanent hair dye remover. It doesn't look that bad really but it is the darkest I've ever had. It will take some getting used to.
Dad (Nathan) - Thanks for being the best dad-in-law in the world! I couldn't have asked for a better one! You mean so much to Josh and me! We love you!
Elizabeth - I love you so much! Can't wait to see you again and that awesomely cute little girl of yours! I can't wait until she is old enough to play Candyland and Chutes N Ladders with me while we watch old Disney movies! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
Tonight at Wal-Mart, I saw it. It was beautiful, indescribable even. What I have been searching for has now been found.
YES THAT'S RIGHT!! The original Candy Land game re-released exclusively by Wal-Mart!
I was so excited! They also have re-released the original Chutes N Ladders too and there may be more! Target re-released original verisons of board games in wooden cases such as Monopoly, Clue, Scrabble and so on but didn't release original kid's games. They tried to trick me into thinking it was the originals but it was not. I want my future kids to play the same awesome verison as I did and secretly, I just really wanted it too! I'm such a big kid.
I am such a board game junkie. It is a sad addiction with so few people to play with me. :( Any volunteers? Contact me! :) Please!
We also got Monopoly Tropical Tycoon but we still need to play before I can give an accurate review.
I know I didn't write yesterday but my New Year's Resolution was to blog and yesterday wasn't New Year's and I've been really good even before New Year's so don't go too hard on me! (Plus I worked too!)
My mom started a New Year's tradition last year of family game day. I really like this new tradition for a few reasons. I get to spend more time with my family, eat really good food, and play games! All the perfect ingredients for a great tradition.
I really just want to encourage everyone today to make a simple resolution for yourself and stick to it. It doesn't have to be big or take a long time to accomplish, even just something small like to smile at least once a day. Just something you can look back on next year and say that you accomplished. Even a tiny accomplishment is an accomplishment none the less according to Horton the Elephant "A person's a person no matter how small." (By the way, really cute movie!)
I am thankful that I could begin a new year with my wonderful husband and family. I believe it is the best way I've found to spend any holiday. As I get older, I'm learning more and more how important family truly is. I have gotten SO close to my mom since I've been married. I don't know if it's due to the fact that now I'm away from home (just kidding) but I do have a new appreciation for her and my dad that I never quite grasped before. I don't think anyone can ever appreciate their parents until they no longer do or provide things for you that you now have to provide for yourself. I am also grateful that I married into such a great family as well. I am so blessed to have always been treated like part of the family by my in-laws. I know a lot of people complain about trouble with their in-laws but I'm fortunate to have been chosen by a man with a wonderful family.
I wish everyone the best there is in 2009! Make those resolutions!