...Hmph...I don't really have a topic today. I need topics to talk about. I get on here to write but I feel like I need something to talk about. Maybe today's topic is sorta nothing to talk about. So if anyone out there reading this has a suggestion I would appreciate it. You can either comment on this blog (at the bottom) or you can e-mail me at larisacrawley@insightbb.com.
I need some feedback people! Please! Thanks! :)
What I'm listening to (music wise)...Genius function on iTunes of Matt Nathanson's "Come On Get Higher" so right now it's on David Archuleta's "Crush" next is Britney Spear's "Radar"
What I'm eating...Clementines YUMMY!
What I'm listening to around me...Josh playing WOW and the puppies playing
What I'm watching...letters pop up on my screen from typing
What I'm feeling...(hmm....thinking) lucky and blessed
What I'm wearing...my usual pajama get-up which is comfy pants and a loose t-shirt :) Comfy!
What I'm doing tomorrow...Definitely watching "The Office" oh how I've missed you!
What I'm struggling with...money most definitely and my weight
What I'm inspired by...my family, music (usually Backstreet Boys DON'T LAUGH! I HEAR YOU!), art, and movies (a really good movie can change my whole perspective)
What I'm giving into...laziness mostly
What I'm craving...chocolate and sunny weather with a gentle breeze and bright blue sky
What I'm dreaming about... taking a trip or vacation somewhere beautiful and new
What I'm hating at the moment...having to clean up the kleenex "snow" so lovingly created for me by Hannah
What I'm laughing at...myself mostly but I always laugh with Josh laughs (it's contigous to me)
What I'm anixous about...I'm having more panic attacks than usual and that makes me more anxious
Trying to think of things to write,
you could talk about feet- why some people love them and some hate them. Or mud puddles (all of this rain) how great they are or maybe not...food! that's a GREAT subject, and neverending. give us your bucket list...i LOVE hearing other peoples bucket lists, it says so much about them. You could expand on your idea of fear...what why and how much...how you get rid of it and the ones you haven't gotten rid of yet. Or you could talk about bubble gum. We all love bubble gum. What's your favorite flavor. Whatever you choose, I'm really digging the site and I'm so proud of you for sticking your neck out and sticking to it. Love reading what you have to say! Shanna